
Revision as of 00:06, 5 October 2021 by Cabra (talk | contribs)

This 1 2 3 4 6 7.

This is my sandbox.[1] And it will be actively updated.[1][verification needed]

First header

First one.

Code example

#include <iostream>

int main()
	int x{0};
	while (x != 8)
		std::cout << "Ehh\n";
		x += 1;
		std::cout << "x = " << x << '\n';
	return 0;

Why is this thing even here? lol
Not likely to use it outside this sandbox, though. Don't see how.

extends Area2D

const MAX_SPEED = 250

func _process(_delta):
	var speed = Vector2.ZERO
	if Input.is_action_pressed("move_right"):
		speed.x += 1
		speed.x -= 1
	## I don't know, test
	if speed.length() > 0:
		speed = speed.normalized() * MAX_SPEED
	position += speed * _delta

Random text

This is borrowed from an article I wrote myself at Fandom, specifically Manual de estilo from Wiki Binding of Isaac, a Spanish wiki.[2] Since I couldn't edit it anymore, and it's rather outdated and with a questionable structure, I decided to rework it later. Yes, it was written in Spanish originally, so it wouldn't follow the same structure since English works differently, but anyway. It will not be the full page, just the lead section. Source text is released under CC-BY-SA, as per Fandom themselves said.[2]

This is Wiki Binding of Isaac's Manual of Style. While it is not required, this manual should be read for a better understanding of how Wiki Binding of Isaac organizes and how to edit the pages properly. This page could go under changes over the time, so be sure to keep watching for the current tendings, as well as the rules.

This page is mainly for resolving doubts to the simple question "how to make a page?", defining the rules made for titles, images and links, and for writing articles and the format it is needed. All of current and future rules may be discussed in this page's own talk page.

Everything wrote here should be used as it is written,[sic] but it is not needed to do so in some cases, opening for other possibilities and subjective changes. It also make easier to "support with no worries", since here we give priority to the information to be correct or at least useful, over creating a more formal page, which still needed but it is not preferred that the information itself.

A wacky approach for a wiki community, at least.

First lesser header

Fourth one.

Fourth header

Fifth one.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Me
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wiki Binding of Isaac:Manual de estilo ̣― Wiki Binding of Isaac (spanish)