
Revision as of 10:29, 6 June 2024 by Canadabonk (talk | contribs)

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	// desktop/tablet only
	if ($(window).width() > 850 && $('').length) {
		//add sidetools wrapper
		$('#mw-content').prepend('<div class="ct-sidetools-wrapper"><div class="ct-sidetools"></div></div>');
		const sidetools = $('.ct-sidetools');
		// if toc exists, add toc to sidetools
		if ($('#toc').length) {
			//add button html
			const tocbuttonhtml = '<div class="ct-toc"><span class="ct-sidetools-button"></span></div>';
			// add fontawesome list ul icon to toc button
			const tocbutton = $('.ct-toc').find('.ct-sidetools-button');
			const faListUl = '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - License - Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M64 144a48 48 0 1 0 0-96 48 48 0 1 0 0 96zM192 64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H480c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H192zm0 160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H480c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H192zm0 160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32H480c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32H192zM64 464a48 48 0 1 0 0-96 48 48 0 1 0 0 96zm48-208a48 48 0 1 0 -96 0 48 48 0 1 0 96 0z"/></svg>';
			// get contents of toc
			$('.ct-toc').find('ul').first().wrap('<div class="ct-stickytoc"></div>');
			const stickytoc = $('.ct-stickytoc');
			stickytoc.prepend('<div>Contents</div><div class="ct-toc-move">Move to rail</div>');
			stickytoc.hide(); {
	        hideOnClickOutside('.ct-toc', '.ct-stickytoc');
	        	if ($('.ct-toc').is(':visible')) {
	function hideOnClickOutside(container, hiddenitem) {
	    window.onclick = function (event) {
	        const $target = $(;
	        if (!$target.closest(container).length && $(hiddenitem).is(':visible')) {