User:Void/findInactiveSysops.js: Difference between revisions

Per removal. Consul action
m (fix)
m (Per removal. Consul action)
(37 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1:
/* jslint strict:false */
//This script automates the process of finding inactive sysops.
//Warning: the script will replace the contents of the page you are currently viewing when you click the link at the top right of the page.
//Output is in the format of "[[User:Example|Example]] || [[Special:PermanentLink/1234|timestamp]] || [[Special:Log/Example|timestamp]]"
mw.loader.using(['oojs-ui', 'mediawiki.util']).done( function () {
var scriptActivationLink = mw.util.addPortletLink(
'Find Inactive Sysops',
'Replaces the contents of the current page with a list of inactive sysops',
var $( scriptActivationLink = mw).util.addPortletLinkclick( function () {
var progressBar = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget();
var progressField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
'Find Inactive Sysops',
label: "Fetching users...",
'Replaces the contents of the current page with a list of inactive sysops',
align: 'top'
var textPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
$( scriptActivationLink ).click( function () {
expanded: false,
var doThis = confirm('Do you want to run the script?');
framed: false,
if( doThis ) {
padded: false,
} );
var canSave = false;
function InactiveUsersProc( config ) { this, config );
OO.inheritClass( InactiveUsersProc, OO.ui.ProcessDialog ); = "Inactive Users Process";
InactiveUsersProc.static.title = "List of Inactive Users:";
InactiveUsersProc.static.actions = [
action: "save",
label: "Update",
flags: "primary"
label: "Cancel",
flags: "safe"
InactiveUsersProc.prototype.initialize = function() {
InactiveUsersProc.super.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
this.content = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout();
this.content.addItems([ progressField ]);
this.content.$element.css( 'padding', '1em' );
this.$body.append( this.content.$element );
InactiveUsersProc.prototype.getActionProcess = function( action ) {
var dialog = this;
if( action && canSave ) {
return new OO.ui.Process( function() {
if( action == "save" ) {
dialog.close( {
action: action
} );
return this, action );
InactiveUsersProc.prototype.getBodyHeight = function() {
return this.content.$element.outerHeight( true );
var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
var inactiveUsersProc = new InactiveUsersProc( {
size: "large"
} );
windowManager.addWindows([ inactiveUsersProc ]);
var checked = 0;
var inactive = [];
var checkList = [];
var total = 0;
// Get user list
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
//Get userlist
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
{format: 'json',
formataction: 'jsonquery',
actionlist: 'queryallusers',
augroup: 'bot|sysop|bureaucrat|consul|autopatrolled|rollbacker|interface-admin|flow-bot',
list: 'allusers',
aulimit: 150 // Unlikely augroup:to be more than 150 privilged 'sysop',users
aulimit: 50, //Set limit to 50 as there are no more than 50 sysops
).done( function ( data ) }{
).done( function ( data )try {
var users = try {data.query.allusers;
var usersuserlist = data.query.allusers[];
var userlist = [];
users.forEach( function( object ) {
userlist.push( );
filterUsers( userlist );
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
} ).fail( function () {
console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." );
} );
} );
users.forEach( function( object ) {
function filterUsers ( userlist ) {
var userstring = userlist.toStringpush( );
var exempt = ["John", "Void", "NDKilla", "Reception123", "Revi", "Southparkfan", "Abuse filter", "Void-bot", "Voidwalker", "Paladox", "MacFan4000" ];
filterUsers( userlist );
for ( i = 0; i < exempt.length; i++ ) {
userstring = userstring.replace( exempt[i] + ",", "" );
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
var reducedList = userstring.split( "," );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
var tribsData;
var logsData;
} ).fail( function () {
//Visual output onto the page you activate the script on
console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." );
$( "#mw-content-text" ).replaceWith( "The following users are inactive:" + "<ul id=\"inactiveList\" style=\"list-style-type:none;list-style-image:none;\"></ul>" );
} );
for ( x = 0; x < reducedList.length; x++ ) {
checkUser( reducedList[x] );
var updButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: 'Update Inactive Administrators?',
id: 'upd-inactive-bttn'
} );
$("#inactiveList").after( updButton.$ function() { updList(); } ) );
function checkUserfilterUsers ( useruserlist ) {
var userstring = userlist.toString();
var exempt = ["John", "NDKilla", "Reception123", "Revi", "Southparkfan", "Abuse filter", "Void", "Zppix", "RhinosF1", "MediaWiki message delivery", "MediaWiki default", "Babel AutoCreate", "Dmehus", "Revibot", "Delete page script", "Move page script", "Flow talk page manager", "Universal Omega", "HeartsDo", "MacFan4000"];
//Get contribs and log entries
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'logevents|usercontribs',
leprop: 'timestamp',
ledir: 'older',
leuser: user,
lelimit: 1, //We only need the most recent log action/edit
uclimit: 1,
ucuser: user,
ucdir: 'older',
ucprop: 'timestamp|ids'
).done( function ( data ) {
try {
tribsData = data.query.usercontribs;
logsData = data.query.logevents;
var activeLogs, activeTribs, active;
var tribsInfo;
for ( i = 0; i < exempt.length; i++ ) {
if( typeof( logsData[0].timestamp ) != "undefined" ) {
userstring = userstring.replace( exempt[i] + ",", "" );
activeLogs = compareDates( logsData[0].timestamp, "logs" );
else {
activeLogs = false;
if( typeof( tribsData[0] ) != "undefined" ) {
tribsInfo = tribsData[0].revid + "|" + tribsData[0].timestamp;
activeTribs = compareDates( tribsInfo, "tribs" );
else {
activeTribs = false;
if( activeLogs === false && activeTribs === false ) {
console.log( user + " is inactive" );
listInactiveUsers( user, tribsData, logsData );
catch ( e ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
} ).fail(/*console.log( "While getting the userlist, there was an AJAX error." )*/);
checkList = userstring.split( "," );
function compareDates ( data, dataType ) {
total = checkList.length;
//Gets current date in yyyymmdd
checkUser( checkList.pop() );
var today = new Date();
var dd = today.getDate();
var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
//Set back 3 months
mm -= 3;
if( mm < 0 ) {
mm += 12;
yyyy -= 1;
if( dd < 10 ) {
dd = '0' + dd;
function checkUser( user ) {
if( mm<10 ) {
mm = '0' + mm;
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
today = '' + yyyy + mm + dd; //This is a string
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
list: 'logevents|usercontribs',
leprop: 'timestamp',
ledir: 'older',
leuser: user,
lelimit: 1, //We only need the most recent log action/edit
uclimit: 1,
ucuser: user,
ucdir: 'older',
ucprop: 'timestamp|ids'
).done( function ( data ) {
try {
var tribsData = data.query.usercontribs;
var logsData = data.query.logevents;
var activeLogs, activeTribs, active, tribsInfo;
if( typeof( logsData[0] ) != "undefined" ) {
var date;
activeLogs = compareDates( logsData[0].timestamp, "logs" );
var isActive;
} else {
if( dataType === "logs" ) {
activeLogs = false;
date = data.slice( 0, data.indexOf('T') );
date = date.replace( "-", "" );
else if( dataType === "tribs" ) {
date = data.slice( data.indexOf('|') + 1, data.indexOf('T') );
date = date.replace( "-", "" );
if ( date < today ) {
isActive = false;
else {
isActive = true;
return isActive;
if( typeof( tribsData[0] ) != "undefined" ) {
function listInactiveUsers( userName, tribsArray, logsArray ) {
tribsInfo = tribsData[0].revid + "|" + tribsData[0].timestamp;
var userLink = "[[User:<a href=\"" + userName + "\">" + userName + "</a>|" + userName + "]]";
activeTribs = compareDates( tribsInfo, "tribs" );
var tribsInfo;
} else {
if( tribsArray[0] !== undefined ) {
activeTribs = false;
tribsInfo = tribsArray[0].timestamp;
tribsInfo = tribsInfo.slice( 0, tribsInfo.indexOf("T") );
tribsInfo = tribsArray[0].revid + "|" + tribsInfo;
tribsInfo = "[[Special:PermanentLink/" + tribsInfo + "]]";
else {
tribsInfo = 'None';
var logsInfo = logsArray[0].timestamp;
logsInfo = logsInfo.slice( 0, logsInfo.indexOf("T") );
logsInfo = "[[Special:Log/" + userName + "|" + logsInfo + "]]";
$("#inactiveList").append( "<li>" + userLink + " || " + tribsInfo + " || " + logsInfo + "</li>" );
if( activeLogs === false && activeTribs === false ) {
function updList() {
inactive.push([user, tribsData, logsData]);
var list = $("#inactiveList")[0].innerText;
list = '|-\n|' + list;
while( list.indexOf("\n[[User:") > 0 ) {
list = list.substr( 0, list.indexOf( "\n[[User:" ) ) + '\n|-\n|' + list.substr( list.indexOf( "\n[[User:" ) + 1 );
progressBar.setProgress( parseInt( (checked/total) * 100 ) );
if( checkList.length > 0 ) {
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
checkUser( checkList.pop() );
} format:else 'json',{
action: 'query', listInactiveUsers();
pageids: 238, }
} catch ( e prop:) 'revisions',{
console.log( "Content request error: " + e.message );
rvprop: 'content'
console.log( "Content request response: " + JSON.stringify( data ) );
).done( function ( data ) {
} try {);
var wtext = data.query.pages[238].revisions[0]['*'];
wtext = wtext.substr( 0, wtext.indexOf("|-") ) + list + '\n' + wtext.substr( wtext.indexOf( "|}" ) );
function compareDates ( data, dataType ) {
$.ajax( {
//Gets current date in yyyymmdd
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
var today = new Date();
type: 'POST',
var dd = today.getDate();
dataType: 'json',
var mm = today.getMonth() + 1; //January is 0!
data: {
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
//Set back 3 months
mm -= 3;
if( mm < 0 ) {
mm += 12;
yyyy -= 1;
if( dd < 10 ) {
dd = '0' + dd;
if( mm<10 ) {
mm = '0' + mm;
today = '' + yyyy + mm + dd; //This is a string
var date;
var isActive;
if( dataType === "logs" ) {
date = data.slice( 0, data.indexOf('T') );
date = date.replace( /-/g, "" );
} else if( dataType === "tribs" ) {
date = data.slice( data.indexOf('|') + 1, data.indexOf('T') );
date = date.replace( /-/g, "" );
return date >= today;
function listInactiveUsers() {
sorted = inactive.sort( function( a, b ) {
return a[0].localeCompare( b[0] );
} );
for( var i in sorted ) {
var userName = sorted[i][0];
var tribsArray = sorted[i][1];
var logsArray = sorted[i][2];
var userLink = "[[User:<a href=\"" + userName + "\">" + userName + "</a>|" + userName + "]]";
var tribsInfo;
if( tribsArray[0] !== undefined ) {
tribsInfo = tribsArray[0].timestamp;
tribsInfo = tribsInfo.slice( 0, tribsInfo.indexOf("T") );
tribsInfo = tribsArray[0].revid + "|" + tribsInfo;
tribsInfo = "[[Special:PermanentLink/" + tribsInfo + "]]";
} else {
tribsInfo = 'None';
var logsInfo;
if( logsArray[0] !== undefined ) {
logsInfo = logsArray[0].timestamp;
logsInfo = logsInfo.slice( 0, logsInfo.indexOf("T") );
logsInfo = "[[Special:Log/" + userName + "|" + logsInfo + "]]";
} else {
logsInfo = 'None';
textPanel.$element.append( "<li>" + userLink + " || " + tribsInfo + " || " + logsInfo + "</li>" );
canSave = true;
function updList() {
var list = textPanel.$element[0].innerText;
list = '|-\n|' + list;
while( list.indexOf("\n[[User:") > 0 ) {
list = list.substr( 0, list.indexOf( "\n[[User:" ) ) + '\n|-\n|' + list.substr( list.indexOf( "\n[[User:" ) + 1 );
// Get contents of TestWiki:Inactivity/Inactive administrators
mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
format: 'json',
action: 'editquery',
titlepageids: 'TestWiki:Inactivity/Inactive administrators'238,
textprop: wtext'revisions',
summaryrvprop: '[[User:Void/findInactiveSysops.js|Automatically]] updating listcontent',
tokenrvslots: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfTokenmain' ),
} ).done( function ( data ) {
try {
alert( "Updated TestWiki:Inactivity/Inactive administrators" );
var wtext = data.query.pages[238].revisions[0].slots.main['*'];
var reload = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Load original page' } );
wtext = wtext.substr( 0, wtext.indexOf("|-") ) + list + '\n' + wtext.substr( wtext.indexOf( "|}" ) );
$('#upd-inactive-bttn').replaceWith( reload.$ function() { window.location.reload(); } ) );
} ).fail( function ( e, data ) {
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
} );
catch( e ) {
// ignore
} ).fail( function ( e, data ) {
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
} );
$.ajax( {
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'edit',
title: 'TestWiki:Inactivity/Inactive administrators',
text: wtext,
summary: '[[User:Void/findInactiveSysops.js|Automatically]] updating list',
token: mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' ),
} ).done( function() {
alert( "Updated TestWiki:Inactivity/Inactive administrators" );
} ).fail( function ( e, data ) {
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
} );
catch( e ) {
// ignore
} ).fail( function ( e, data ) {
console.log( e.message );
console.log( JSON.stringify( data ) );
} );
} );