
From TestWiki
Test article
This is a test article for experimenting with Wikipedia features.
Please clean up after yourself once testing is complete.

Test Article is a demonstration page created for testing various features and functionalities on Wikipedia. This test article serves as a sandbox for experimenting with various Wikipedia features and functionalities. Feel free to edit and contribute to this page for testing purposes[1].

Formatting Text

You can apply different formatting styles to text in Wikipedia articles. For example:

  • Italic text
  • Bold text


Headings help organize content into sections. They can be created using equal signs (=). For example:




File:Sebs example image.jpg
This is a test image for the test article.

Images can be added to Wikipedia articles to provide visual context or illustrate key points[2].


Tables are a useful way to organize and present data in a structured format. To create a table in a Wikipedia article, follow these steps:

  1. Start the table with the opening tag {|.
  1. Define the structure of the table by adding rows and columns using the following format:
Header 1 Header 2
Row 1, Column 1 Row 1, Column 2
Row 2, Column 1 Row 2, Column 2
      1. Customize the appearance of the table by adding attributes to the opening tag, such as class="wikitable" for a standard table or style="border: 1px solid black;" to add a border.
        1. Add content to the cells by inserting text or other elements between the table row and column tags (| and |-).
          1. Close the table with the closing tag |}.

Here's an example of a simple table:

Fruit Quantity
Apple 3
Banana 5
Orange 4


  1. Example reference
  2. Example reference