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User:逆襲的天邪鬼/Twinkle-lzh/twinklewarn.js: Difference between revisions

no edit summary
(Created page with "//<nowiki> // vim: set noet sts=0 sw=8: (function($){ /* **************************************** *** twinklewarn.js: Warn module **************************************...")
No edit summary
(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 18:
Twinkle.warn = function twinklewarn() {
if ( Morebits.wiki.flow.relevantUserName() ) {
Twinkle.addPortletLink( Twinkle.warn.callback, "警告", "tw-warn", "警告或提醒用" );
Line 41:
Twinkle.warn.callback = function twinklewarnCallback() {
if( Morebits.wiki.flow.relevantUserName() === mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) &&
!confirm( '您要警告自己!您定要继续吗繼續嗎?' ) ) {
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow( 600, 440 );
Window.setTitle( "警告、通知用" );
Window.setScriptName( "Twinkle" );
Window.addFooterLink( "选择警告级别", "WP:WARN" );
Window.addFooterLink( "Twinkle帮助", "WP:TW/DOC#warn" );
var form = new Morebits.quickForm( Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate );
var main_select = form.append( {
type: 'field',
label: '选择要发送的選擇警告或通知类别類別',
tooltip: '首先选择一组,再选择選擇的警告模板。'
} );
main_select.append( { type: 'select', name: 'sub_group', list: Twinkle.warn.callback.create_list() } );
var main_group = main_select.append( {
type: 'select',
name: 'main_group',
} );
var defaultGroup = parseInt(Twinkle.getPref('defaultWarningGroup'), 10);
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '层级1', value: 'level1', selected: ( defaultGroup === 1 || defaultGroup < 1 || ( Morebits.userIsInGroup( 'sysop' ) ? defaultGroup > 8 : defaultGroup > 7 ) ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '层级2', value: 'level2', selected: ( defaultGroup === 2 ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '层级3', value: 'level3', selected: ( defaultGroup === 3 ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '层级4', value: 'level4', selected: ( defaultGroup === 4 ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '层级4im', value: 'level4im', selected: ( defaultGroup === 5 ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '单层级通知', value: 'singlenotice', selected: ( defaultGroup === 6 ) } );
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '单层级警告', value: 'singlewarn', selected: ( defaultGroup === 7 ) } );
if( Twinkle.getPref( 'customWarningList' ).length ) {
main_group.append( { type: 'option', label: '自定义警告', value: 'custom', selected: ( defaultGroup === 9 ) } );
main_select.append( { type: 'select', name: 'sub_group', event:Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory } ); //Will be empty to begin with.
form.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'article',
label: '链接連結',
value:( Morebits.queryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) ? Morebits.queryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) : '' ),
tooltip: '模板中加入一個條链接連結,可留空。'
} );
var more = form.append( { type: 'field', name: 'reasonGroup', label: '警告信息' } );
more.append( { type: 'textarea', label: '可信息:', name: 'reason', tooltip: '理由或是附加信息' } );
var previewlink = document.createElement( 'a' );
Line 94 ⟶ 74:
previewlink.style.cursor = "pointer";
previewlink.textContent = '预览預覽';
more.append( { type: 'div', id: 'warningpreview', label: [ previewlink ] } );
more.append( { type: 'div', id: 'twinklewarn-previewbox', style: 'display: none' } );
Line 103 ⟶ 83:
Window.setContent( result );
result.main_group.root = result;
result.previewer = new Morebits.wiki.preview($(result).find('div#twinklewarn-previewbox').last()[0]);
// We must init the first choice (General Note);
var evt = document.createEvent( "Event" );
evt.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
result.main_group.dispatchEvent( evt );
// This is all the messages that might be dispatched by the code
// Each of the individual templates require the following information:
// label (required): A short description displayed in the dialog
// summary (required): The edit summary used. If an article name is entered, the summary is postfixed with "on [[article]]", and it is always postfixed with ". $summaryAd"
// suppressArticleInSummary (optional): Set to true to suppress showing the article name in the edit summary. Useful if the warning relates to attack pages, or some such.
Twinkle.warn.messages = {
'非建設編輯': {
level1: {
'uw-vandalism1': '毀文觀(提醒)',
"不同类型的非建设编辑": {
'uw-vandalism2': '毀文觀(警告)',
"uw-vandalism1": {
'uw-vandalism3': '毀文觀(最後警告)',
label: "破坏",
summary: "层级1:破坏"
"uw-test1": {
label: "编辑测试",
summary: "层级1:编辑测试"
"uw-delete1": {
label: "清空页面、移除内容或模板",
summary: "层级1:清空页面、移除内容或模板"
"uw-redirect1": {
label: "创建恶意重定向",
summary: "层级1:创建恶意重定向"
"uw-tdel1": {
label: "移除维护性模板",
summary: "层级1:移除维护性模板"
"uw-joke1": {
label: "加入不当玩笑",
summary: "层级1:加入不当玩笑"
"uw-create1": {
label: "创建不当页面",
summary: "层级1:创建不当页面"
"uw-upload1": {
label: "上传不当图像",
summary: "层级1:上传不当图像"
"uw-image1": {
label: "与图像相关之破坏",
summary: "层级1:与图像相关之破坏"
"增加商品或政治广告": {
"uw-spam1": {
label: "增加垃圾连结",
summary: "层级1:增加垃圾连结"
"uw-advert1": {
label: "利用维基百科来发布广告或推广",
summary: "层级1:利用维基百科来发布广告或推广"
"uw-npov1": {
label: "不遵守中立的观点方针",
summary: "层级1:不遵守中立的观点方针"
"加插不实及/或诽谤文字": {
"uw-unsourced1": {
label: "没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料",
summary: "层级1:没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料"
"uw-error1": {
label: "故意加入不实内容",
summary: "层级1:故意加入不实内容"
"uw-biog1": {
label: "加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料",
summary: "层级1:加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料"
"uw-defamatory1": {
label: "没有特定目标的诽谤",
summary: "层级1:没有特定目标的诽谤"
"翻译品质": {
"uw-roughtranslation1": {
label: "粗劣翻译",
summary: "层级1:粗劣翻译"
"非能接受且违反方针或指引的单方面行为或操作": {
"uw-notcensored1": {
label: "资料的审查",
summary: "层级1:资料的审查"
"uw-mos1": {
label: "格式、日期、语言等",
summary: "层级1:格式、日期、语言等"
"uw-move1": {
label: "页面移动",
summary: "层级1:页面移动"
"uw-cd1": {
label: "把讨论页清空",
summary: "层级1:把讨论页清空"
"uw-chat1": {
label: "把讨论页当为论坛",
summary: "层级1:把讨论页当为论坛"
"uw-tpv1": {
label: "改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见",
summary: "层级1:改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见"
"uw-afd1": {
label: "移除{{afd}}模板",
summary: "层级1:移除{{afd}}模板"
"uw-speedy1": {
label: "移除{{delete}}模板",
summary: "层级1:移除{{delete}}模板"
"对其他用户和条目的态度": {
"uw-npa1": {
label: "针对特定用户的人身攻击",
summary: "层级1:针对特定用户的人身攻击"
"uw-agf1": {
label: "没有善意推定",
summary: "层级1:没有善意推定"
"uw-own1": {
label: "条目的所有权",
summary: "层级1:条目的所有权"
"uw-tempabuse1": {
label: "不当使用警告或封锁模板",
summary: "层级1:不当使用警告或封锁模板"
'文法': {
'uw-lzh1': '非文言',
'uw-lzh2': '非文言(最後警告)',
level2: {
'uw-lzh-en': '非文言(英文警告)',
"不同类型的非建设编辑": {
'uw-lzh-en-2': '非文言(英文最後警告)',
"uw-vandalism2": {
'uw-simp': '簡體字',
label: "破坏",
'uw-blp': '生不立傳',
summary: "层级2:破坏"
"uw-test2": {
label: "编辑测试",
summary: "层级2:编辑测试"
"uw-delete2": {
label: "清空页面、移除内容或模板",
summary: "层级2:清空页面、移除内容或模板"
"uw-redirect2": {
label: "创建恶意重定向",
summary: "层级2:创建恶意重定向"
"uw-tdel2": {
label: "移除维护性模板",
summary: "层级2:移除维护性模板"
"uw-joke2": {
label: "加入不当玩笑",
summary: "层级2:加入不当玩笑"
"uw-create2": {
label: "创建不当页面",
summary: "层级2:创建不当页面"
"uw-upload2": {
label: "上传不当图像",
summary: "层级2:上传不当图像"
"uw-image2": {
label: "与图像相关之破坏",
summary: "层级2:与图像相关之破坏"
"增加商品或政治广告": {
"uw-spam2": {
label: "增加垃圾连结",
summary: "层级2:增加垃圾连结"
"uw-advert2": {
label: "利用维基百科来发布广告或推广",
summary: "层级2:利用维基百科来发布广告或推广"
"uw-npov2": {
label: "不遵守中立的观点方针",
summary: "层级2:不遵守中立的观点方针"
"加插不实及/或诽谤文字": {
"uw-unsourced2": {
label: "没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料",
summary: "层级2:没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料"
"uw-error2": {
label: "故意加入不实内容",
summary: "层级2:故意加入不实内容"
"uw-biog2": {
label: "加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料",
summary: "层级2:加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料"
"uw-defamatory2": {
label: "没有特定目标的诽谤",
summary: "层级2:没有特定目标的诽谤"
"翻译品质": {
"uw-roughtranslation2": {
label: "粗劣翻译",
summary: "层级2:粗劣翻译"
"非能接受且违反方针或指引的单方面行为或操作": {
"uw-notcensored2": {
label: "资料的审查",
summary: "层级2:资料的审查"
"uw-mos2": {
label: "格式、日期、语言等",
summary: "层级2:格式、日期、语言等"
"uw-move2": {
label: "页面移动",
summary: "层级2:页面移动"
"uw-cd2": {
label: "把讨论页清空",
summary: "层级2:把讨论页清空"
"uw-chat2": {
label: "把讨论页当为论坛",
summary: "层级2:把讨论页当为论坛"
"uw-tpv2": {
label: "改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见",
summary: "层级2:改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见"
"uw-afd2": {
label: "移除{{afd}}模板",
summary: "层级2:移除{{afd}}模板"
"uw-speedy2": {
label: "移除{{delete}}模板",
summary: "层级2:移除{{delete}}模板"
"对其他用户和条目的态度": {
"uw-npa2": {
label: "针对特定用户的人身攻击",
summary: "层级2:针对特定用户的人身攻击"
"uw-agf2": {
label: "没有善意推定",
summary: "层级2:没有善意推定"
"uw-own2": {
label: "条目的所有权",
summary: "层级2:条目的所有权"
"uw-tempabuse2": {
label: "不当使用警告或封锁模板",
summary: "层级2:不当使用警告或封锁模板"
'態度': {
'uw-sign': '沒有簽名',
'uw-civil1': '不文明(提醒)',
level3: {
'uw-civil2': '不文明(警告)',
"不同类型的非建设编辑": {
"'uw-vandalism3"editwar': {'編輯戰',
'uw-baduserpage': '政治、宗教用戶頁'
label: "破坏",
summary: "层级3:破坏"
"uw-test3": {
label: "编辑测试",
summary: "层级3:编辑测试"
"uw-delete3": {
label: "清空页面、移除内容或模板",
summary: "层级3:清空页面、移除内容或模板"
"uw-redirect3": {
label: "创建恶意重定向",
summary: "层级3:创建恶意重定向"
"uw-tdel3": {
label: "移除维护性模板",
summary: "层级3:移除维护性模板"
"uw-joke3": {
label: "加入不当玩笑",
summary: "层级3:加入不当玩笑"
"uw-create3": {
label: "创建不当页面",
summary: "层级3:创建不当页面"
"uw-upload3": {
label: "上传不当图像",
summary: "层级3:上传不当图像"
"uw-image3": {
label: "与图像相关之破坏",
summary: "层级3:与图像相关之破坏"
"增加商品或政治广告": {
"uw-spam3": {
label: "增加垃圾连结",
summary: "层级3:增加垃圾连结"
"uw-advert3": {
label: "利用维基百科来发布广告或推广",
summary: "层级3:利用维基百科来发布广告或推广"
"uw-npov3": {
label: "不遵守中立的观点方针",
summary: "层级3:不遵守中立的观点方针"
"加插不实及/或诽谤文字": {
"uw-unsourced3": {
label: "没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料",
summary: "层级3:没有使用适当的引用方法而增加没有来源的资料"
"uw-error3": {
label: "故意加入不实内容",
summary: "层级3:故意加入不实内容"
"uw-biog3": {
label: "加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料",
summary: "层级3:加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料"
"uw-defamatory3": {
label: "没有特定目标的诽谤",
summary: "层级3:没有特定目标的诽谤"
"翻译品质": {
"uw-roughtranslation3": {
label: "粗劣翻译",
summary: "层级3:粗劣翻译"
"非能接受且违反方针或指引的单方面行为或操作": {
"uw-notcensored3": {
label: "资料的审查",
summary: "层级3:资料的审查"
"uw-mos3": {
label: "格式、日期、语言等",
summary: "层级3:格式、日期、语言等"
"uw-move3": {
label: "页面移动",
summary: "层级3:页面移动"
"uw-cd3": {
label: "把讨论页清空",
summary: "层级3:把讨论页清空"
"uw-chat3": {
label: "把讨论页当为论坛",
summary: "层级3:把讨论页当为论坛"
"uw-tpv3": {
label: "改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见",
summary: "层级3:改写其他用户在讨论页留下的意见"
"uw-afd3": {
label: "移除{{afd}}模板",
summary: "层级3:移除{{afd}}模板"
"uw-speedy3": {
label: "移除{{delete}}模板",
summary: "层级3:移除{{delete}}模板"
"对其他用户和条目的态度": {
"uw-npa3": {
label: "针对特定用户的人身攻击",
summary: "层级3:针对特定用户的人身攻击"
"uw-agf3": {
label: "没有善意推定",
summary: "层级3:没有善意推定"
"uw-own3": {
label: "条目的所有权",
summary: "层级3:条目的所有权"
"uw-tempabuse3": {
label: "不当使用警告或封锁模板",
summary: "层级3:不当使用警告或封锁模板"
Twinkle.warn.summary = {
'uw-vandalism1': '提醒:毀文觀',
level4: {
'uw-vandalism2': '警告:毀文觀',
"不同类型的非建设编辑": {
'uw-vandalism3': '最後警告:毀文觀',
"uw-vandalism4": {
'uw-lzh1': '非文言',
label: "破坏",
'uw-lzh2': '最後警告:非文言',
summary: "层级4:破坏"
'uw-lzh-en': 'Warning: Not Classical Chinese / 警告:非文言',
'uw-lzh-en-2': 'FINAL Warning: Not Classical Chinese / 最後警告:非文言',
"uw-test4": {
'uw-simp': '提醒:莫用簡體字',
label: "编辑测试",
'uw-blp': '提醒:生不立傳',
summary: "层级4:编辑测试"
'uw-sign': '提醒:請簽名',
'uw-civil1': '提醒:不文明',
"uw-delete4": {
'uw-civil2': '警告:不文明',
label: "清空页面、移除内容或模板",
'uw-editwar': '警告:編輯戰',
summary: "层级4:清空页面、移除内容或模板"
'uw-baduserpage': '提醒:禁止政治、宗教用戶頁'
"uw-redirect4": {
Twinkle.warn.heading = {
label: "创建恶意重定向",
'*': '提醒',
summary: "层级4:创建恶意重定向"
'uw-vandalism2': '警示',
'uw-vandalism3': '末示!',
"uw-tdel4": {
'uw-lzh2': '警示',
label: "移除维护性模板",
'uw-lzh-en': 'Warning',
summary: "层级4:移除维护性模板"
'uw-lzh-en-2': 'Final warning',
'uw-civil2': '警示',
"uw-joke4": {
'uw-editwar': '警示',
label: "加入不当玩笑",
summary: "层级4:加入不当玩笑"
"uw-create4": {
label: "创建不当页面",
summary: "层级4:创建不当页面"
"uw-upload4": {
label: "上传不当图像",
summary: "层级4:上传不当图像"
"uw-image4": {
label: "与图像相关之破坏",
summary: "层级4:与图像相关之破坏"
"增加商品或政治广告": {
"uw-spam4": {
label: "增加垃圾连结",
summary: "层级4:增加垃圾连结"
"uw-advert4": {
label: "利用维基百科来发布广告或推广",
summary: "层级4:利用维基百科来发布广告或推广"
"uw-npov4": {
label: "不遵守中立的观点方针",
summary: "层级4:不遵守中立的观点方针"
"加插不实及/或诽谤文字": {
"uw-biog4": {
label: "加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料",
summary: "层级4:加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料"
"uw-defamatory4": {
label: "没有特定目标的诽谤",
summary: "层级4:没有特定目标的诽谤"
"非能接受且违反方针或指引的单方面行为或操作": {
"uw-mos4": {
label: "格式、日期、语言等",
summary: "层级4:格式、日期、语言等"
"uw-move4": {
label: "页面移动",
summary: "层级4:页面移动"
"uw-chat4": {
label: "把讨论页当为论坛",
summary: "层级4:把讨论页当为论坛"
"uw-afd4": {
label: "移除{{afd}}模板",
summary: "层级4:移除{{afd}}模板"
"uw-speedy4": {
label: "移除{{delete}}模板",
summary: "层级4:移除{{delete}}模板"
"对其他用户和条目的态度": {
"uw-npa4": {
label: "针对特定用户的人身攻击",
summary: "层级4:针对特定用户的人身攻击"
"uw-tempabuse4": {
label: "不当使用警告或封锁模板",
summary: "层级4:不当使用警告或封锁模板"
level4im: {
"不同类型的非建设编辑": {
"uw-vandalism4im": {
label: "破坏",
summary: "层级4im:破坏"
"uw-delete4im": {
label: "清空页面、移除内容或模板",
summary: "层级4im:清空页面、移除内容或模板"
"uw-redirect4im": {
label: "创建恶意重定向",
summary: "层级4im:创建恶意重定向"
"uw-joke4im": {
label: "加入不当玩笑",
summary: "层级4im:加入不当玩笑"
"uw-create4im": {
label: "创建不当页面",
summary: "层级4im:创建不当页面"
"uw-upload4im": {
label: "上传不当图像",
summary: "层级4im:上传不当图像"
"uw-image4im": {
label: "与图像相关之破坏",
summary: "层级4im:与图像相关之破坏"
"增加商品或政治广告": {
"uw-spam4im": {
label: "增加垃圾连结",
summary: "层级4im:增加垃圾连结"
"加插不实及/或诽谤文字": {
"uw-biog4im": {
label: "加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料",
summary: "层级4im:加入有关在生人物而又缺乏来源的资料"
"uw-defamatory4im": {
label: "没有特定目标的诽谤",
summary: "层级4im:没有特定目标的诽谤"
"非能接受且违反方针或指引的单方面行为或操作": {
"uw-move4im": {
label: "页面移动",
summary: "层级4im:页面移动"
"对其他用户和条目的态度": {
"uw-npa4im": {
label: "针对特定用户的人身攻击",
summary: "层级4im:针对特定用户的人身攻击"
"uw-tempabuse4im": {
label: "不当使用警告或封锁模板",
summary: "层级4im:不当使用警告或封锁模板"
singlenotice: {
"uw-2redirect": {
label: "透过不适当的页面移动建立双重重定向",
summary: "单层级通知:透过不适当的页面移动建立双重重定向"
"uw-aiv": {
label: "不恰当的破坏回报",
summary: "单层级通知:不恰当的破坏回报"
"uw-articlesig": {
label: "在条目页中签名",
summary: "单层级通知:在条目页中签名"
"uw-autobiography": {
label: "建立自传",
summary: "单层级通知:建立自传"
"uw-badcat": {
label: "加入错误的页面分类",
summary: "单层级通知:加入错误的页面分类"
"uw-bite": {
label: "伤害新手",
summary: "单层级通知:伤害新手"
"uw-booktitle": {
label: "没有使用书名号来标示书籍、电影、音乐专辑等",
summary: "单层级通知:没有使用书名号来标示书籍、电影、音乐专辑等"
"uw-c&pmove": {
label: "剪贴移动",
summary: "单层级通知:剪贴移动"
"uw-chinese": {
label: "不是以中文进行沟通",
summary: "单层级通知:不是以中文进行沟通"
"uw-coi": {
label: "利益冲突",
summary: "单层级通知:利益冲突"
"uw-copyright-friendly": {
label: "初次加入侵犯版权的内容",
summary: "单层级通知:初次加入侵犯版权的内容"
"uw-copyviorewrite": {
label: "在侵权页面直接重写条目",
summary: "单层级通知:在侵权页面直接重写条目"
"uw-crystal": {
label: "加入臆测或未确认的讯息",
summary: "单层级通知:加入臆测或未确认的讯息"
"uw-csd": {
label: "快速删除标记不当",
summary: "单层级通知:快速删除标记不当"
"uw-dab": {
label: "消歧义页格式错误",
summary: "单层级通知:消歧义页格式错误"
"uw-date": {
label: "不必要地更换日期格式",
summary: "单层级通知:不必要地更换日期格式"
"uw-editsummary": {
label: "没有使用编辑摘要",
summary: "单层级通知:没有使用编辑摘要"
"uw-hangon": {
label: "没有在讨论页说明暂缓快速删除理由",
summary: "单层级通知:没有在讨论页说明暂缓快速删除理由"
"uw-lang": {
label: "不必要地将条目所有文字换成简体或繁体中文",
summary: "单层级通知:不必要地将条目所有文字换成简体或繁体中文"
"uw-langmove": {
label: "不必要地将条目标题换成简体或繁体中文",
summary: "单层级通知:不必要地将条目标题换成简体或繁体中文"
"uw-linking": {
label: "过度加入红字连结或重复蓝字连结",
summary: "单层级通知:过度加入红字连结或重复蓝字连结"
"uw-minor": {
label: "不适当地使用小修改选项",
summary: "单层级通知:不适当地使用小修改选项"
"uw-notaiv": {
label: "不要向当前的破坏回报复杂的用户纷争",
summary: "单层级通知:不要向当前的破坏回报复杂的用户纷争"
"uw-notvote": {
label: "我们是以共识处事,不仅是投票",
summary: "单层级通知:我们是以共识处事,不仅是投票"
"uw-preview": {
label: "使用预览按钮来避免不必要的错误",
summary: "单层级通知:使用预览按钮来避免不必要的错误"
"uw-sandbox": {
label: "移除沙盒的置顶模板{{sandbox}}",
summary: "单层级通知:移除沙盒的置顶模板{{sandbox}}"
"uw-selfrevert": {
label: "回退个人的测试",
summary: "单层级通知:回退个人的测试"
"uw-subst": {
label: "谨记要替代模板",
summary: "单层级通知:谨记要替代模板"
"uw-talkinarticle": {
label: "在条目页中留下意见",
summary: "单层级通知:在条目页中留下意见"
"uw-tilde": {
label: "没有在讨论页上签名",
summary: "单层级通知:没有在讨论页上签名"
"uw-translated": {
label: "翻译条目未标注原作者",
summary: "单层级通知:翻译条目未标注原作者"
"uw-uaa": {
label: "向更改用户名回报的用户名称并不违反方针",
summary: "单层级通知:向更改用户名回报的用户名称并不违反方针"
"uw-warn": {
label: "警告破坏用户",
summary: "单层级通知:警告破坏用户"
singlewarn: {
"uw-3rr": {
label: "用户潜在违反回退不过三原则的可能性",
summary: "单层级警告:用户潜在违反回退不过三原则的可能性"
"uw-attack": {
label: "建立人身攻击页面",
summary: "单层级警告:建立人身攻击页面",
suppressArticleInSummary: true
"uw-bv": {
label: "公然的破坏",
summary: "单层级警告:公然的破坏"
"uw-canvass": {
label: "不恰当的拉票",
summary: "单层级警告:不恰当的拉票"
"uw-copyright": {
label: "侵犯版权",
summary: "单层级警告:侵犯版权"
"uw-copyright-link": {
label: "连结到有版权的材料",
summary: "单层级警告:连结到有版权的材料"
"uw-fakesource": {
label: "虚构资料来源或引文",
summary: "单层级警告:虚构资料来源或引文"
"uw-hoax": {
label: "建立恶作剧",
summary: "单层级警告:建立恶作剧"
"uw-incompletecite": {
label: "列出的资料来源欠缺若干详情而不易查找",
summary: "单层级警告:列出的资料来源欠缺若干详情而不易查找"
"uw-legal": {
label: "诉诸法律威胁",
summary: "单层级警告:诉诸法律威胁"
"uw-longterm": {
label: "长期的破坏",
summary: "单层级警告:长期的破坏"
"uw-multipleIPs": {
label: "使用多个IP地址",
summary: "单层级警告:使用多个IP地址"
"uw-npov-tvd": {
label: "在剧集条目中加入奸角等非中立描述",
summary: "单层级警告:在剧集条目中加入奸角等非中立描述"
"uw-pinfo": {
label: "个人资料",
summary: "单层级警告:个人资料"
"uw-upv": {
label: "用户页破坏",
summary: "单层级警告:用户页破坏"
"uw-selfinventedname": {
label: "不适当的自创新名词、新译名",
summary: "单层级警告:不适当的自创新名词、新译名"
"uw-substub": {
label: "创建小小作品",
summary: "单层级警告:创建小小作品"
"uw-username": {
label: "不恰当的用户名",
summary: "单层级警告:不恰当的用户名"
"uw-wrongsummary": {
label: "在编辑摘要制造不适当的内容",
summary: "单层级警告:在编辑摘要制造不适当的内容"
Line 897 ⟶ 139:
Twinkle.warn.prev_reason = null;
Twinkle.warn.callback.change_categorycreate_list = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
var valueresult = e.target.value[];
for (var category in Twinkle.warn.messages) {
var sub_group = e.target.root.sub_group;
var sublist = [];
sub_group.main_group = value;
var templates = Twinkle.warn.messages[category];
var old_subvalue = sub_group.value;
for (var name in templates) {
var old_subvalue_re;
if( old_subvalue ) {
label: '{{' + name + '}}: ' + templates[name],
old_subvalue = old_subvalue.replace(/\d*(im)?$/, '' );
value: name
old_subvalue_re = new RegExp( mw.RegExp.escape( old_subvalue ) + "(\\d*(?:im)?)$" );
while( sub_group.hasChildNodes() ){
sub_group.removeChild( sub_group.firstChild );
// worker function to create the combo box entries
var createEntries = function( contents, container, wrapInOptgroup ) {
// due to an apparent iOS bug, we have to add an option-group to prevent truncation of text
// (search WT:TW archives for "Problem selecting warnings on an iPhone")
if ( wrapInOptgroup && $.client.profile().platform === "iphone" ) {
var wrapperOptgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
type: 'optgroup',
label: '可用模板'
} );
wrapperOptgroup = wrapperOptgroup.render();
container.appendChild( wrapperOptgroup );
container = wrapperOptgroup;
label: category,
$.each( contents, function( itemKey, itemProperties ) {
list: sublist
var key = (typeof itemKey === "string") ? itemKey : itemProperties.value;
var selected = false;
if( old_subvalue && old_subvalue_re.test( key ) ) {
selected = true;
var elem = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
type: 'option',
label: "{{" + key + "}}: " + itemProperties.label,
value: key,
selected: selected
} );
var elemRendered = container.appendChild( elem.render() );
$(elemRendered).data("messageData", itemProperties);
} );
if( value === "singlenotice" || value === "singlewarn" ) {
// no categories, just create the options right away
createEntries( Twinkle.warn.messages[ value ], sub_group, true );
} else if( value === "custom" ) {
createEntries( Twinkle.getPref("customWarningList"), sub_group, true );
} else {
// create the option-groups
$.each( Twinkle.warn.messages[ value ], function( groupLabel, groupContents ) {
var optgroup = new Morebits.quickForm.element( {
type: 'optgroup',
label: groupLabel
} );
optgroup = optgroup.render();
sub_group.appendChild( optgroup );
// create the options
createEntries( groupContents, optgroup, false );
} );
var customWarningList = Twinkle.getPref("customWarningList");
// clear overridden label on article textbox
if (customWarningList && customWarningList.length > 0) {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.root.article, true);
label: '自定義警告',
list: customWarningList
// hide the big red notice
Twinkle.warn.callback.change_subcategory = function twinklewarnCallbackChangeSubcategory(e) {
var main_group = e.target.form.main_group.value;
var value = e.target.form.sub_group.value;
if( main_group === 'singlenotice' || main_group === 'singlewarn' ) {
if( value === 'uw-bite' || value === 'uw-username' || value === 'uw-socksuspect' ) {
if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article === null) {
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = e.target.form.article.value;
e.target.form.article.notArticle = true;
e.target.form.article.value = '';
} else if( e.target.form.article.notArticle ) {
if(Twinkle.warn.prev_article !== null) {
e.target.form.article.value = Twinkle.warn.prev_article;
Twinkle.warn.prev_article = null;
e.target.form.article.notArticle = false;
return result;
// change form labels according to the warning selected
if (value === "uw-socksuspect") {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "傀儡操纵者用户名,如知晓(不含User:) ");
} else if (value === "uw-username") {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "用户名违反方针,因为… ");
} else if (value === "uw-bite") {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, false);
Morebits.quickForm.overrideElementLabel(e.target.form.article, "被“咬到”的用户(不含User:) ");
} else {
Morebits.quickForm.setElementTooltipVisibility(e.target.form.article, true);
// add big red notice, warning users about how to use {{uw-[coi-]username}} appropriately
var $redWarning;
if (value === "uw-username") {
$redWarning = $("<div style='color: red;' id='tw-warn-red-notice'>{{uw-username}}<b>不应</b>被用于<b>明显</b>违反用户名方针的用户。" +
"明显的违反方针应被报告给UAA。" +
Twinkle.warn.callbacks = {
getWarningWikitext: function(templateName, article, reason, isCustom) {
var text = "{{subst:" + templateName;
Line 1,028 ⟶ 176:
if (reason && !isCustom) {
// we assume that custom warnings lack a {{{2}}} parameter
text += "|2=" + reason;
Line 1,042 ⟶ 190:
templatetext = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(templatename, linkedarticle,
form.reason.value, form.main_group.value === 'custom');
Line 1,049 ⟶ 197:
var text = pageobj.getPageText();
var params = pageobj.getCallbackParameters();
var messageData = params.messageData;
var heading = Twinkle.warn.heading[params.sub_group] || Twinkle.warn.heading['*'];
var history_re = /<!-- Template:(uw-.*?) -->.*?(\d{4})年(\d{1,2})月(\d{1,2})日 \([日一二三四五六]\) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}) \(UTC\)/g;
var history = {};
var latest = { date: new Date( 0 ), type: '' };
var current;
while( ( current = history_re.exec( text ) ) ) {
var current_date = new Date( current[2] + '-' + current[3] + '-' + current[4] + ' ' + current[5] + ':' + current[6] + ' UTC' );
if( !( current[1] in history ) || history[ current[1] ] < current_date ) {
history[ current[1] ] = current_date;
if( current_date > latest.date ) {
latest.date = current_date;
latest.type = current[1];
var date = new Date();
if( params.sub_group in history ) {
var temp_time = new Date( history[ params.sub_group ] );
temp_time.setUTCHours( temp_time.getUTCHours() + 24 );
if( temp_time > date ) {
if( !confirm( "近24小时内一个同样的 " + params.sub_group + " 模板已被发出。\n是否继续?" ) ) {
pageobj.statelem.info( '用户取消' );
latest.date.setUTCMinutes( latest.date.getUTCMinutes() + 1 ); // after long debate, one minute is max
if( latest.date > date ) {
if( !confirm( "近1分钟内一个同样的 " + latest.type + " 模板已被发出。\n是否继续?" ) ) {
pageobj.statelem.info( '用户取消' );
var dateHeaderRegex = new RegExp( "^==+\\s*" + date.getUTCFullYear() + "年" + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "月" +
"\\s*==+", 'mg' );
var dateHeaderRegexLast, dateHeaderRegexResult;
while ((dateHeaderRegexLast = dateHeaderRegex.exec( text )) !== null) {
dateHeaderRegexResult = dateHeaderRegexLast;
// If dateHeaderRegexResult is null then lastHeaderIndex is never checked. If it is not null but
// \n== is not found, then the date header must be at the very start of the page. lastIndexOf
// returns -1 in this case, so lastHeaderIndex gets set to 0 as desired.
var lastHeaderIndex = text.lastIndexOf( "\n==" ) + 1;
if( text.length > 0 ) {
Line 1,105 ⟶ 204:
if(text += "== " + messageData.heading )+ " {==\n";
text += "== " + messageData.heading + " ==\n";
} else if( !dateHeaderRegexResult || dateHeaderRegexResult.index !== lastHeaderIndex ) {
Morebits.status.info( '信息', '未找到当月标题,将创建新的' );
text += "== " + date.getUTCFullYear() + "年" + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "月 " + " ==\n";
text += Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article,
params.reason, params.main_group === 'custom') + "--~~~~";
if ( Twinkle.getPref('showSharedIPNotice') && Morebits.isIPAddress( mw.config.get('wgTitle') ) ) {
Morebits.status.info( '信息', '共享IP明' );
text += "\n{{subst:SharedIPAdvice}}";
Line 1,121 ⟶ 215:
// build the edit summary
var summary;
if( params.main_group === 'custom' ) {
switch(summary = Twinkle.warn.summary[params.sub_group.substr( -1 )] )|| {'';
if ( params.article ) {
case "1":
summary += "提醒,於[[" + params.article + "]]";
case "2":
summary = "注意";
case "3":
summary = "警告";
case "4":
summary = "最后警告";
case "m":
if( params.sub_group.substr( -3 ) === "4im" ) {
summary = "唯一警告";
summary = "提示";
summary = "提示";
summary += ":" + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(messageData.label);
} else {
summary = messageData.summary;
if ( messageData.suppressArticleInSummary !== true && params.article ) {
if ( params.sub_group === "uw-socksuspect" ) { // this template requires a username
summary += ",[[User:" + params.article + "]]的";
} else {
summary += ",于[[" + params.article + "]]";
summary += Twinkle.getPref("summaryAd");
Line 1,164 ⟶ 228:
main_flow: function (flowobj) {
var params = flowobj.getCallbackParameters();
var messageData = params.messageData;
var date = new Date();
var topic;
if (messageData.heading) {
topic = messageData.heading;
} else {
var summary;
switch( params.sub_group.substr( -1 ) ) {
case "1":
summary = "提醒";
case "2":
summary = "注意";
case "3":
summary = "警告";
case "4":
summary = "最后警告";
case "m":
if( params.sub_group.substr( -3 ) === "4im" ) {
summary = "唯一警告";
summary = "提示";
summary = "提示";
// 因为Flow讨论串自带时间,所以不需要再另外标注
topic = summary + " (" + Morebits.string.toUpperCaseFirstChar(messageData.label) + ")";
var content = Twinkle.warn.callbacks.getWarningWikitext(params.sub_group, params.article,
params.reason, params.main_group === 'custom');
Twinkle.warn.callback.evaluate = function twinklewarnCallbackEvaluate(e) {
var userTalkPage = 'User_talk:' + Morebits.wiki.flow.relevantUserName();
// First, check to make sure a reason was filled in if uw-username was selected
if(e.target.sub_group.value === 'uw-username' && e.target.article.value.trim() === '') {
// Find the selected <option> element so we can fetch the data structure
var selectedEl = $(e.target.sub_group).find('option[value="' + $(e.target.sub_group).val() + '"]');
// Then, grab all the values provided by the form
var params = {
reason: e.target.reason.value,
main_group: e.target.main_group.value,
sub_group: e.target.sub_group.value,
article: e.target.article.value, // .replace( /^(Image|Category):/i, ':$1:' ), -- apparently no longer needed...
messageData: selectedEl.data("messageData")
Line 1,238 ⟶ 244:
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.redirect = userTalkPage;
Morebits.wiki.actionCompleted.notice = "警告完成,后刷後重載入";
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.flow.checkpage( userTalkPage, function'用戶對話頁修改' () {;
wikipedia_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
var flow_page = new Morebits.wiki.flow( userTalkPage, '用户Flow对话页留言' );
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect( true );
flow_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
wikipedia_page.load( Twinkle.warn.callbacks.main_flow( flow_pagemain );
}, function () {
var wikipedia_page = new Morebits.wiki.page( userTalkPage, '用户对话页修改' );
wikipedia_page.setCallbackParameters( params );
wikipedia_page.setFollowRedirect( true );
wikipedia_page.load( Twinkle.warn.callbacks.main );
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