
From TestWiki

The wikitable below will hold all in-going and out-going financial information for TestWiki. All data that is listed here is considered free and open and can be shared without limitations. If information is missing, it is assuming to be non required, not applicable or hidden for legal or personal reasons. Any queries regarding this should be directed to NDKilla. For donating please see TestWiki:Donate

All amounts on this page are in US Dollars.

All information in the table below is from after 16 October 2016 when this page was significantly updated. Before this date, User:Reception123 paid for half of the yearly cost of the publictestwiki.com domain name.

Date Payee Payer Amount Balance Comments
1/3/2022 User:NDKilla User:Dmehus $7.53 $7.53 I knew donating to TestWiki would get NDKilla's attention :P