Topic on User talk:Dmehus

User triggering global filters

Summary by Doug

 Spam only Wesley0562 account locked

MirahezeGDPR 4ce229fc9687e12ad2ff96f863f0909e (talkcontribs)

Hello there. This user has been triggering global anti-spam filters throughout the day. See abuse log. Should I block them, and if so, for how long?

Doug (talkcontribs)

Justarandomliberal Normally, Global Sysops and stewards will take care of the spam only accounts via the locking mechanisms of CentralAuth, so that would indeed be my preference. I've reported them in the #miraheze-cvt channel on IRC. If not dealt with in the next hour, please feel free to locally block them for up to one week until globally locked. Hope that helps. :)

MirahezeGDPR 4ce229fc9687e12ad2ff96f863f0909e (talkcontribs)

Thank you!

Doug (talkcontribs)

Looks like MrJaroslavik has  locked Wesley0562, so this has been taken care of. Nevertheless, you can consider the above a standing authorization for you to locally block spam only accounts in similar instances for up to one week pending global action.