
From TestWiki

Chain of command:

  • Outfit Leader: NDKilla

Platoon 1

The 1st platoon will be the public platoon. While platoon members are of course welcome, non-platoon members may also join and stay in the platoon if they work with us. All users, especially those on voice comms, should be reminded that the outfit is open for everyone.

  • Platoon 1 Leader: (selected from online "PlatoonLeaders" designated in the outfit)
    • Alpha Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 5-8 Squad members
    • Bravo Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members
    • Charlie Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members
    • Delta Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members

Platoon 2

The 2nd platoon will be restricted to outfit members. An easy thing to do is for an outfit platoon leader to invite all online members to a platoon to try to fill this platoon up.

  • Platoon 2 Leader: (selected from online "PlatoonLeaders" designated in the outfit)
    • Echo Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 5-8 Squad members
    • Foxtrot Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members
    • Golf Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members
    • Hotel Squad Leader: (selected from online "SquadLeaders" designated in the outfit)
      • 8 Squad members

Other Squads

Other squads, not in a platoon, may work cohesively with the outfit. If possible, these platoons should be led by an outfit squad or platoon leader with access to voice comms. This is especially true if these are specialty squads such as air force or armor squads.

Other players, squads, and platoons working in the same area as us should be invited to continue working with us and invited to the outfit if they so wish.


Outfit voice comms are usually open but should be reserved for priority communications between platoons. Usually, squad or platoon voice should be used. If abused, outfit comms may be restricted to squad and platoon leaders by any online platoon leader in the outfit.

If talking only to someone in your squad, please use squad voice. Use platoon voice for platoon-wide chat only. Outfit text chat may be used by anyone for any reason, but outfit voice comms should only be used for cross-platoon strategies by squad and platoon leaders.