Topic on User talk:Anton
- (cur prev topic) 15:53, 10 April 2021 . . Doug (talk | contribs) marked the topic "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" as resolved (marked as resolved) . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 15:53, 10 April 2021 . . Doug (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" . . −1
- (cur prev topic) 15:53, 10 April 2021 . . Doug (talk | contribs) restored the topic "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" (reopened) . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 14:37, 3 April 2021 . . Anton (talk | contribs) marked the topic "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" as resolved (merkitty loppuunkäsitellyksi) . . 0
- (cur prev topic) 14:36, 3 April 2021 . . Anton (talk | contribs) commented on "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" (Okay I understand, that's what I said to let the consuls decide. I just wanted to do something so that similar doubts or actions would no...) . . +169
- (cur prev topic) 14:35, 3 April 2021 . . Doug (talk | contribs) commented on "Non-test blocks and actions on TestWiki" (Hi Anton, I know your recent block of Theory of Eternity meant well, but I have reverted it, and wanted to just remind you, as well as Ol...) . . +513